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The History of Men's Underwear
Every morning as men around the world get them self’s dressed for work, we can safely say
That none of them give much thought to where their underwear comes from or the history of it.
It started with the loin cloth. The first example of the loin cloth come from the tombs of Egypt
We can assume that the men began to wear their loin cloth at the time they first created fabric.
As time went on they began to cover themselves with more clothing they felt it necessity and was
A sense of style Even though the cloth they was wearing now was much lighter it served the function
Of protecting their manhood from the wool and animal skins that there other cloths were made from.
Tribal societies played a major role in the type and styles of clothing. . As outside garments and leggings
Started to take shape as what we might think are the beginnings of trousers, the light loin cloth also started to evolve as well.
The heavy wrap around loin cloth they wore for many years now looked and felt bulky under the stylish
Farmer’s pants they wore down to the local village. That is when the first prototypes of what we would eventually call men’s underwear were developed.
These were short and light legged pants most likely made from cotton of soft wool. They was worn under
the heavier outer pants which were held up by string that was wrapped around there waist. These prototypes that we know as modern men’s underwear was not sold in shop, they were made at home
Or by their local seamstress if they had the money to pay for them.
Men’s underwear, as it is known today made its first appearance at the start of the industrial age. This
Is when whole societies first started to march off to work first thing in the morning and then they would
return home late evening. It was in the early to mid 1800's and on a Friday that all men stood in a line at the factory office to receive their pay check.
With the industrial age and the pay checks that it created, also came the manufacturing of clothing
and the very first sweatshops. It was in these manufacturing shops that things like elastic waistbands were developed and was first used on underwear that was packed up and sold out of the first clothing stores.
It was in these stores that the first factory workers spent some of their earnings on their underwear. During the earlier times in 1850-1900, the choice in underwear was the "long john" that covered from shoulders to ankles.
World War One would be the first for change that gave birth to "jockey shorts". It was American solders affinity for a shorter, compact and more comfortable regulation issued style of underwear that brought about a change in the style of underwear that men around the globe now wear.